Sunday, August 18, 2013

Progress #2

GOAL:  My goal is to have my acts of kindness and environmental acts (minor and major), Leadership project, food journals, black belt events, empathy training, fitness evaluations, and fast defense training logs done and ready to present by October 1st, 2013.

OK! So far I've completed another black belt event (Beach workout 8/17), and will be recording it tonight. I've filled out another five of both my minor acts of kindness and environmental acts. And I'm now filling out another blog. Soon I'll have enough to print out ten and put them in my testing binder. PLUS! Tomorrow evening will be my first of two fast defense trainings and this Saturday will be my second fitness evaluation. I plan on doing my third on October 1st. It should be the last piece of my binder.

The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places... seemed relevant.

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