Sunday, April 21, 2013

Friday Saturday Sunday CRAZY CRAZY CRAZY!

This weekend was totally crazy!  On Friday I went on a filed trip to Sherwood for the Children's choral festival with my choir. We worked that day with Kelly Foster. She came down from Seattle. We spent most of the day there practicing for the evening concert.Once it came down to the concert, everyone was nervous it reminded me of my first demo performance.

On Saturday I helped out with testing.  I was there from 8:30-3:00 . It was a tiring day. The first test was the milestone testing which is for yellow belts going for green, blue belts going for advance blue and all advance belts.One of my favorite test to help out with was lil warrior intermediate  advance because it was one of the smallest groups that day.  

On Sunday I did the Bluffs clean up project some of you might of been there. We pulled the English Ivy because it can kill the other plants. We spent three hours doing that. We also picked up any garbage that we found but mostly focused on pulling the ivy and there was a lot. At the end we found a orange salamander. It was so cute!

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