Monday, April 22, 2013


Yesterday's tournament (Dave's Battle of the Champions) was a great success for me. I got 1st place in my Kama routine and 3rd place in my Trad. form (palgwea(or however you spell it) 7) and tied twice for second.  It was a really fun tournament, and I learned some tricking moves from Teacher Eric. I'm still working on them, but I'm improving. Given the fact the tournament was 8-9 hours,  I didn't get bored or tired.
   Later that night, we ( T-Berg's family and mine) ate out at Sweet Tomato's.  We all ate pretty healthy, except for the dessert.

Comp Fact : You can type cool icons with Alt + any number in the number thing (Not at the top, the sides)
Ex: ☺☻♥ ♦ ♣ ♠ •◘○  ( 1 - 9 ) ▼ ( 748159263)


P.S: Congratz to all siblings of the Poom belt testers that tested!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Good job Brandon! I wish I went to the tournament, but I couldn't. : )

