Thursday, April 4, 2013

T-berg going to Golden Gate tournament

In the last two months I have been multitasking my time with school, Aim high poom belt fusion classes, Aim High Family Kicks classes, Demo team and tournament practices gearing up for tournaments. Many of you know I love going to tourament but not to win but to try my best to see how much I have improved my skill level and making many friends from the west coast to the east coast. For me I am reaching my personal goals by making baby steps. I like to train and work out at my own private karate studio ( my garage) and do what I like best. My mom says I am turning into a social butterfly when I travel and that is a great thing. I like making new friends and meeting up with them talking about our martial arts school, our school, our friends and our cities or small towns. Wish me luck and hope the state of California is good to me. I know there is a lot of great talents. I just want to see where I stand in this tournament. Wish me luck. I will post some videos if I can. make sure you keep training hard!! I will. See you all on Monday!!  t-berg out.