Sunday, April 21, 2013


Today, I went tricking for the first time in many weeks. Though I'd always been meaning to trick on Sundays,  I had spent the past weeks catching up on schoolwork. Finally tricking again, it took me awhile to get back into the swing of things. It was difficult returning after a hiatus, since I'd gotten rusty over a period of inactivity and wasn't as good as before. The only thing really keeping me up was the high energy level. When I did moves that I knew, it felt as if I were doing them for the first time.
Going there made me realized how much I liked to trick, and how my inactivity was affecting my performance. It made me realize, that no matter what happens, I'll need to find a way to fit these events into my schedule. That may mean that I shouldn't put off work till Sunday; it may mean that I should finish things ahead of time. Either way, I'll need to create the time to practice and train, so that my abilities continue to progress.
Similarly, I've also noticed this sort of trend on weekday classes. Though I'd try to go on the days when I don't have a conflicting schedule, I sometimes still find that I'm unable to go. Though I may be busy, forcing me to skip a class here and there, I will only cheat myself. After all, the more I train, the better I'll get. It's really a matter of how much this training matters to me. Though there are times when I can be extremely busy, I will still try my best to make it to each and every class. This may mean that I will have to finish my schoolwork quicker, and it may also mean that I'll have to work harder at everything else, but I'm willing to push aside to small things in order to fit in the activities I really want to do.

"To hell with circumstance, I create opportunities."
—Bruce Lee

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