Monday, April 8, 2013

SOLVE Beach Cleanup

SOLVE Beach Cleanup - March 30

I decided to engage my entire family to go down to our favorite beach in Pacific City to help do the beach cleanup for one of my major environmental acts.

It was amazing to see how many people were down there but not cleaning up....I mean the volunteers were just a handful (probably 20 at most) while there were literally hundreds of people down there.

The surprising thing was how much dangerous items we discovered partially hidden in the sand....rusted nails, broken glass, sharp metal objects, etc.  All it takes is someone to step on that with their bare feet and it is off to the hospital you go to get a shot......

I think we felt much better cleaning up a beach that we visit regularly to help ensure that we can continue to go there.

We did get several thank you's from people which was a nice reminder that we all need to say that more often!

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