Tuesday, August 27, 2013

I am in awe of all of you!


You are all amazing and I have missed being there with you all during training.

Some of you might know that I started college again (developing myself mentally) and I have been struggling with some of my responsibilities. I knew it was going to be difficult starting school again, because I haven't had to study and take test (besides Aim High) in a long time. The work was challenging, but I worked very hard and received an A in writing and a B in women's studies. I will also finish my art class this week and I feel confident that I will earn another A.

All you young testers, you are incredible! You all go to school and train at Aim High, ad I'm sure a lot of you do other sports and activities. You do all that and still train so hard and perform so well. I didn't do as well as I could when I skipped the #3 evaluation this Saturday. I haven't made training a priority after I started school this summer, and I feel ashamed when I make excuses. You guys haven't made excuses.

To the testers parents, you guys are so hard core. You guys and girls all work, cook, volunteer, drive your kids to train and support them in so many ways. I would love to have advice and guidance from any one of you. I'm feeling overwhelmed by school, training, coaching my son's soccer team, cooking and making time to practice my martial arts on my own.

Thanks for reading. I'll be with you as often as I can before the big test. Thanks for letting me be a part of your team.



  1. My plate was rather full this year too, but don't let it overwhelm you. I work and go to school full time and my husband has a full time job and full time school as well. We have 2 kids with sports and their school stuff. Not to mention my husband being a pastor with a full time ministry and he coaches football as well. It is possible, you just have to work out your priorities and make sure that your family is with you too:)Good luck. I know you can do it.

  2. congratulations and i hope you can join us soon
