Saturday, April 20, 2013

I Tied My First Belt!

Hey! As most of you guys know, today was testing day, and as few of you guys know, my brother tested for his belt. KJN asked me if I wanted to tie his belt and I wanted to, but I didn't know how to. Luckily, KJN was there to help me and I tied his new belt. Yay! Although when I tied his other belt, it didn't turn out perfect. Andrea and Jordan helped out with the testing class with me and the other teachers and they helped along with taking a photo with me, my brother, and everyone else. And lemme say one thing about this picture: it was HILARIOUS!

Did you know?: There is a flower that smells like chocolate.



  1. Replies
    1. To answer your question, I felt excited that I wa the one tied my little bro's belt and nervous because I have never tied someone else's belt.
      But mostly excited.

